Client List

We’ve been around for a while

Studios and publishers

It’s always been our goal to work with remarkable talent at different studios. We’ve been fortunate to work with some great studios and publishers over the years and look forward to working with even more awesome folks. The games industry is a close-knit group of unique individuals making great games, and we love working within this niche. We have developed many friendships over the years, and look forward to making more in the years to come.

If your team is stuck on a tough problem or an impossible deadline, we would love to take a crack at it. It’s our thing.

Surrounding technologies

Over the years, we have developed deep relationships surrounding the games industry. While still connected to the games industry, our supporting tech clients provide engaging experiences and notable projects. One thing that we have always been proud of is how efficient minded game development practices can apply to almost any other sector.

The most rewarding part of my job is helping others achieve their goals. Be it launching a product or solving a complex problem; these are the feelings and moments that make it all worth it.

I love what I do, so it never feels like work to me 😉

Matthew Davey, Founder

You will love us; promise

A can-do attitude goes a long way. Our clients love our attitude towards our engagements and keep coming back for more. While not directly in our target market, we still take on projects from clients outside of the games industry that present unique challenges or interest us.

All clients listed have either engaged dotBunny directly or have purchased services and/or products from an authorized reseller.